Guernsey is situated in The English Channel 25 miles west of the coast of France. It has an area of 24 square miles and a population of approximately 60,000.
Guernsey is not part of the United Kingdom but is a British Crown dependency that is self-governing except for matters of defence and foreign affairs where Guernsey is represented by the UK. Guernsey has its own laws and legislative assembly. The UK government does not control nor supervise any activities in the Island, whether financial or commercial.
This preserves the complete autonomy of the Island and is particularly important for matters such as internal affairs, legislation, fiscal and other commercial activities and regulations. In addition, the Island has OECD status as a result of being included in the 1961 ratification of the convention by the UK.
Guernsey has built up an enviable reputation being among the premier international finance centres, offering security, professionalism and discretion in all aspects of financial services business. It is a mature and naturally-developed international finance centre with an impressive infrastructure and is keen to attract quality business. It was included on the initial so-called OECD ‘White List’ of jurisdictions that have substantially implemented the internationally agreed tax standard and continues to be included in that category.
Benefits of Guernsey
Political and economic stability
Guernsey has a diverse economy and a long history of political and economic stability.
Sound legal system and regulations
The legal system is well developed with modern laws. There is a realistic and effective regulatory system.
Beneficial tax regime
Guernsey enjoys a beneficial tax climate with low rates of personal income tax and no corporate tax, capital gains tax, withholding tax, VAT, wealth or inheritance tax. Non-residents may conduct business on a tax free basis.
Quality, cost effective infrastructure
There are numerous organisations serving international business and there is a significant depth of expertise in the legal, accounting and other professions with many of the world’s leading organisations maintaining a local office. It has excellent transport, communication and computer facilities.
Strict confidentiality is observed in all dealings with clients. Regulated service providers that fail to respect this requirement will be subject to sanctions imposed by the Regulator and be liable to prosecution.
Exchange control
There is unrestricted movement of funds with no exchange control regulations.